SASH: Scientific Alliance on Smoking and Health: Center for the Assessment of Tobacco Regulations (CAsToR)

UMTRN: Membership


UMTRN invites all researchers in relevant subject matter areas at the University of Michigan to become members of the Network. Participation is designed to have a minimal impact on busy schedules, with the only requirement being that members annually provide UMTRN with basic information on their tobacco and nicotine-related work. External members are also welcome who wish to stay connected with research at the Univrersity.


UMTRN members enjoy expanded connections with fellow researchers, information regarding grant opportunities, opportunities to enlist and/or mentor junior colleagues or to identify potentially helpful senior colleagues, and the opportunity to gain increased exposure for their work. UMTRN provides the following services to members to enhance their intellectual experience at the University as well as improve the efficiency of the research process. UMTRN's objective is to provide these services while making a minimal imposition on members' time.

Disseminate Research and Grant Information
Announcements of tobacco-related grant opportunities and major new research findings both from within and outside the University are distributed to members.
UMTRN’s listserv disseminates updated information on news, research, events, and job and funding opportunities in the tobacco control arena.
Seminars and Presentations
UMTRN hosts presentations and seminars with prominent researchers and policy scholars from both inside and outside the University community, as well as strategy discussions for advocates and government leaders across Michigan.

Member Eligibility

UMTRN membership is open to all University of Michigan faculty, researchers and students engaged in tobacco- and nicotine-related research or practice. Individuals who are not affiliated with the University but are interested in becoming part of the network are encouraged to contact UMTRN for more information.
